At the start of every school year students rush to compare their course schedules, and oftentimes it is hard to analyze and match up these schedules to their friends, classmates, and teachers. This is where comes in. CourseTurtle is a website that allows students and teachers to share their schedules online within their school community.
All the user has to do is enter a name, email, password and their 8 periods, from there the user will have made an account and be able to see anyone in their school community including students and teachers. They can search and filter to find people in their grade, class, and occupation (student or teacher).
The site was developed by Ryan Rana at WHRHS over the summer and was launched in late August. According to its creator, “I just saw a problem that needed a solution, if I have the skills why would I not do it.”
The creator also mentioned one surprising detail: the first 200 users on the site will be listed as official beta testers of a potentially huge company. This is something that can be put on a resume and help with college applications.
When asked about the future of CourseTurtle the creator has a few things to say. First off, he is currently building an online textbook exchange network and wants to integrate the two technologies together to allow for textbook exchanges throughout WHRHS throughout CourseTurtle, where original users get to see and use it first. He also wants to allow users to be able to enter in more data and information to share with others.
Currently, this site is only being shown in WHRHS, the creator wants to develop a strong community in just one high school, for now, to see how good the site actually is, get feedback, add more functionally, etc.
In summary, is a website that allows users to post their course schedules in literally the easiest way possible.
If you have any questions about the site you can contact and/or follow @courseturtle on Instagram.
Developer Site: